Sunday, January 8, 2012

Uncle Scott and Ella come to visit us in Ocean Reef.

We had the pleasure of Scott and Ella coming to visit us in Ocean Reef.  We departed Greenville on Dec. 16 around 1pm and arrived in OR around 1:00am the morning of Dec. 17th. We spent the 17th putting up the tree, grocery shopping and unpacking while the boys hung out at the lagoon. Scott and Ella arrived on the 18th.

We have reached a whole new level of fun at Ocean Reef this year.  Le has his golf cart license and it made the two weeks so much more fun for all.  Le was able to take the kids to the lagoon, run errands for me, and have a little freedom of his own.
 There is no place better than the lagoon for kids.  It's the perfect safe, secure, supervised area for kids to swim, catch critters, and boat.

 Scott and Ella
 Sandy slowly sliding down in his chair. We had the MOST perfect weather while we were there.  It was in the high 70's low 80's every day but one.
 Ella, Daniel, and Stephan
 Uncle Scott and Le playing Lacrosse
 Taking a dip in the pool.

 I ADORE this photo.
 All this fun can wear a girl out.

 The giant among the people.  Can you tell Le has gone through a growth spurt?  The beauty of Ocean Reef is that over the years we have met so many good friends and our kids meet up and romp and stomp at the lagoon.  This is Stephan, Le, Ella, Prescott, Daniel, and Wes.
 I love these three photos.  Le and Ella were just hanging out.

 I love this photo except for the fact that the whole world can see Le's underwear.  This is a family photo of a great evening at the Galley.  Scott, Sandy and the kids went deep sea fishing.  It was a fun day but not the best fishing.  They were able to catch enough fish for appetizers.  We took the fish to the Galley and they prepared it for us.  It was a 600.00 appetizer but it was worth every bite.
 What a beautiful girl.
This is my new addiction.  Ella and Scott came to OR with this Scrabble game.  I became hooked.  I mean really.....crazy hooked........To the point that Scott and Ella wrapped it up and gave it to me for Christmas......And if they hadn't I was going to have to make a run into Homestead to buy my own.  This is a rare photo of me letting someone else play.

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