Sunday, January 8, 2012

$25.00 a sip

 Dan and Ann having serious second thoughts about sharing with the redneck. (Don't blame them!)
 Grand prize winners!
 You can't tell from these pictures but it was black as pitch.  Le was using his phone to provide a flashlight for Dan to pour.  I love that Dom is being poured on a cement fish cleaning table.  Only the best will do!
 Le's a little tired can you tell?
Thanks for a great evening Roseanne, Ann and Dan.

It's nice t!o have friends in high places..................If you follow our blog you know that we have friends, Ann and Dan Marinic whom we met and meet in Ocean Reef.  Their son is our kids friend, Stephan.  Anyway, the Fishing Village had a raffle.  One of the prizes was a Vintage 2000 bottle of Dom Perignon (Hope I spelled it right.).  Well,  Ann won!  Now, they could have kept it to themselves.  They could have stored it for 20 years and turned a $500 bottle into a $10,000 bottle but NNOOOOOOOOOOO!  They chilled that bad boy and were kind enough to share it with us! The2nd night of the caroling boat we toasted it in style.  WOW!  I could adjust to living the high life.  Thanks for sharing!  When you come to Greenville we will be sure to share our Woodbridge with you!  Hell, we'll even by you a bottle of your own!

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