Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pre Christmas Eve Party

When we lived in Sugar Creek (Le was 9 months old when we moved there.) We had the MOST incredible neighbors.  Geannie and Will.  Since Le's first Christmas Geannie and Will have come over on Christmas Eve to help with Santa Clause. We have accumulated many "War Stories" over the years.  A couple of times these evenings have lasted until an hour or two before the boys would get up Christmas morning! Since we had plans to be in Ocean Reef for Christmas, Geannie and Will came over the weekend before we left.  True to form our evening went into the wee hours of the morning.  The photos aren't very exciting but we had a great night.  We are so grateful and blessed to have the Van Der Zalms' as our friends. 
 Tinkerbell sat in Will's lap and insisted on stuffing her head under his arm.  She's the cat everybody can love!
 Me and Geannie
Sandy, the man who says he never makes the blogspot cut.

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