Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Caroling Boat

Two years ago when we were in OR for Christmas we went over to Roseanne's backyard to see the Caroling boat.  This boat goes up and down the canal's with an organ, approx. 20ppl, Santa Clause and sing carols.  It is really cool.  This year when we got to OR Le announced he wanted to BE ON the caroling boat.  I thought to myself, "Yeah...right."  I didn't want to set it up, then the day of he decides he doesn't want to do it and I have to force him.  So I let it ride.  The third time he mentioned it I said, "Ok.  If you want to do it.  YOU go to the Concierge.  YOU get the information.  YOU set it up.  YOU make it happen."  Two hours later Le's got it all arranged.  Day of I take him over to the boat.  Let's just say the mean age was well over 65 years old.  Le walks up introduces him self and off he goes.  He had a BLAST.  He was up with Santa Clause tossing candy canes.  Le said they would pull up to a house and he'd hear, "Hey!  That's Le! Hi Le!".  Then for the rest of the vacation various 80 year old people would walk up and say, "Hi Le."  I'd say, "Who is that?" Le-"That's Mr. So and So from the caroling boat."

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