Tuesday, August 16, 2011

WRONG! All will be shipped tomorrow.

I sewed my little fingers off Monday.  In between two school open houses and Boy Scouts.  But it. just. didn't. get. done.  I had a little freak out/break down Monday night but then I thought, "Is there anything I can do about it now?  Even if I finished at midnight could I ship it?"  I've sewn ALL day today and YES it is all finished and ready to ship.  My house is a mess.  No laundry is done.  Forms are not filled out for school tomorrow.  But my client will have her stuff before her party on Friday.  It's 9:37pm.  I'm shot.  I will wake up super early and get forms filled out and THEN I will officially feel a sense of relief. 

The boys start school tomorrow.  I will miss having them home.  It has been a good summer.  As usual, Le can't wait and Daniel is begging to be home schooled.  I will take their picture and post it as I do every year.

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