Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm A Vegetarian!!!!!

Yeah.....right.......No really!  At least for a few days.  A year or so ago Blair made a bucket list of things she wanted to do in her life time.  One of them was to be a vegetarian for a month.  This is HER bucket list.  Not MY bucket list.  My bucket list is much more realistic. i.e. drive a Ferrari, sail around the world, sing on stage with Aerosmith...  Yet some how I have been sucked into doing it with her.  For those of you who don't know me.....I don't really like fruit and veggies.  For those of you who know me.....quit laughing!
I am five days into it and being a very good sport. (Only 25 days to go.  Beef industry prepare accordingly.)  Blair gave me some websites to check out which have been very helpful.  The site I like the best is a runners website.  They have great recipes.  I made black bean croquettes a couple of nights ago.  And I'm making spaghetti and non-meatballs tonight. (Apparently, black and white beans are my new best friend.)  This website says I'm going to have incredible energy and be able to run twice as far.........we'll see.  I CAN say I've slept better the past two nights than I have in a year.  Do I give my diet the credit?  Or exhaustion?  Again, we'll see.

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