Monday, August 8, 2011


We are having a really nice time in Atlantic City, NC.  On the way up we stopped and had a great lunch with Joe and Kathryn in Wilmington.  They have an amazing house and yard.  The only thing missing is a sign "George Washington slept here."  (Which seems to be on every house in Wilmington.)  Our house is in Atlantic Beach is nice.  It's a three story duplex.  I think if I lived here full time I would get tired of running up and down steps though! 

We have spent the last couple of days on the beach.  There is an awesome breeze coming off the ocean which makes the heat tolerable.  Le rented a surf board and has surfed the past two days.  The waves aren't like north shore but hey, "Ya get what ya get!"

Today we are taking the ferry to Shackleford Island to see the wild mustangs and go shelling.  Tonight we are going to go on a ghost tour.  I will post photos later.  To all my blog friends have a great day!

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