Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heading East

After a CRAZY week of work we are headed east to the beach. We departed at 6pm after Sandy got home from work. This is a real fly by the seat of our pants trip. I let the boys pack their own bags. I brought three pair of shorts, three t shirts, swimsuit, and flip flops. We are on NO schedule. We usually get in the car and drive, Drive, DRIVE. The boys were in the back seat asking, "How late are we going to drive tonight?" "Let's go as late as we can!" They were surprised when we pulled into the hotel at 9:15pm! Sandy and I decided to stop in Florence, SC for the night. We are three hours  down the road. Tomorrow we will stop in Wilmington, NC for lunch with friends then mosey on up the coast. Now if I can just get my mind and body to RELAX and embrace this no schedule, fly by the seat of my pants way of life.....TO BE CONTINUED......

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