Friday, June 25, 2010

The Northwest side of Maui

I have this date out of order. Sorry. This was before the road to Hana. We went exploring on the northwest side of Maui. Daniel found this vine to swing on.
Monkey see monkey do.

This was a day of hikes. We hiked straight up and down to see a blow hole. Le and Dan loved it there. The hike was pretty rough but worth it.

Le loved being sprayed by the blow hole. Blair has a better picture of him getting sprayed. You never knew when it was going to blow. Le would stand there just waiting.

This hike was even harder. We went swimming in these natural pools on the coast of Maui. I wish I had taken better pictures here. It was like a plunge pool of sea water. We were so thirsty after this hike. We stopped at this bus that had been converted to a "refreshment stand". Needless to say, there was no civilization nearby. We spent 37.00 on three smoothies, a diet coke and a bottle of water. It was worth every penny.......

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