Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Captain's Log Day Three In Honolulu:North Shore

Today we rented a car and explored the North shore. First we cruised up to the top of Diamond Head for this awesome view.
We had a much smaller car for today but apparently I still suck at parking. Since we took a picture of the Lincoln we took a picture of this HORRIBLE parking.

On top of Diamond Head.

Then on to the North Shore. We found a wonderful beach with no one around, hardly. We changed into our bathing suits and spent the afternoon body surfing. The waves were incredible. The sand was really weird though. Instead of being "sandy" it was like mini pebbles. It stuck to everything. It was cool feeling but again weird. We are still finding "pebbles" where they don't belong three days later!

On the way home we saw this beautiful rainbow.

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