Saturday, June 5, 2010

First Day in hawaii

Trip over was uneventful. Believe it or not the plane was 1 hour early because of tail winds. That was awesome. Once we arrived we checked into the hotel and let the boys swim until bedtime (6:30pm).

The time change really wore us out the first day. We were up by 4am. That worked well in our favor because we wanted to be at Pearl Harbor early because everyone says is a mob there. We were at PH by 8am. We never hit a crowd which was nice. We spent more time there than we expected. By the time we toured USS Bowfin (my favorite. I'd never been in a submarine before.), USS Arizona, and the USS Missouri it was after 2pm. (8pm to our bodies.) We then drove on tho the Dole Pineapple plantation and FINISHED the largest maze in the world in just over 1hr. (The record is 12 minutes?????) I take no credit for this fete. I was merely a follower. Afterwards, we ate FRESH pineapple and pineapple ice cream before heading home. We had pizza and were in bed by 8:30pm. Due to the time change we survived MANY melt downs and frustrations. I'm looking forward to today when we will be adjusted and will all have had a good nights sleep.

I will be posting pictures later.

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