Friday, June 25, 2010

Luau the Last Night in Hawaii.

We ended our two weeks in Hawaii with a bang. We had front row seats for a great luau. The food was so much better than I expected. This was one thing that I felt we NEEDED to do but I wasn't excited about it. It ended up being one of the highlights of the trip. Le and Dan "booping" Blair for the millionth time. If it hadn't been so obnoxious this picture would be cute.

I just realized I didn't take a single photo of the actual Luau. Oh well. It was great. The best part of the evening was Sandy giving me a beautiful necklace for planning the trip. Wow!

The Northwest side of Maui

I have this date out of order. Sorry. This was before the road to Hana. We went exploring on the northwest side of Maui. Daniel found this vine to swing on.
Monkey see monkey do.

This was a day of hikes. We hiked straight up and down to see a blow hole. Le and Dan loved it there. The hike was pretty rough but worth it.

Le loved being sprayed by the blow hole. Blair has a better picture of him getting sprayed. You never knew when it was going to blow. Le would stand there just waiting.

This hike was even harder. We went swimming in these natural pools on the coast of Maui. I wish I had taken better pictures here. It was like a plunge pool of sea water. We were so thirsty after this hike. We stopped at this bus that had been converted to a "refreshment stand". Needless to say, there was no civilization nearby. We spent 37.00 on three smoothies, a diet coke and a bottle of water. It was worth every penny.......

The Road to Hana

Every evening we would sit out on the balcony of our room and sip wine and shirley temples to this view in Maui. Sandy made a friend out by the pool who gave us an awesome book about Maui. We decided we would take the road to Hana on our last full day in Hawaii. I'm so glad we did because we saw a part of Hawaii that is beautiful.

We took a treacherous but short hike to see this red sand beach. I was a wreck with the kids on the trail because it was so dangerous and once we got there people were buck naked and maybe homeless but the view (of the beach...get your mind out of the gutter) was worth it.

This was one of Blair's favorite places (Again, get your mind out of the gutter. It was because of the sand)

Body surfing in Hana. This was a salt and pepper beach.

Sunset Dinner Cruise

We went on a dinner cruise to see the sunset. It was very windy. But the views were incredible. I'm glad Sandy encouraged us to take sea sick pills. This night could have turned out badly. Blair and I considered dressing up. I'm glad we didn't. We rocked and rolled on the ocean all evening. Not to mention the wind.
Wind blown "PomPom" and "Turtle Kitty". words needed.

Sitting watching the Na'Pli (Again, Spelling???) Coast go by.

Beautiful spotted dolphin following us.

Poor Le was trying to eat a buttered roll. I couldn't go down below to eat because I almost got sea sick just making my plate. So we were eating on the deck and our food kept blowing away. This is Le after he got smacked in the head with his roll.

Ok...So...This is incredibly weird. Blair and I were following Dan from point A to point B on the beach in Honolulu. It was a longer walk than we anticipated. We burned the CRAP out of the bottoms of our feet. Blair and I were both miserable for a couple of days. Anyway, as Blair's foot starts to heal it appears as if she has the map of the Hawaiian Islands on the bottom of her foot. Coincidence???? You tell me. It's almost as good as seeing the Virgin Mary on a potato chip.

A Day of Rest....Sorta.

Today was a day of hanging out at the hotel. It was a great day. The boys and Blair wanted to go surfing again. I think Le could really get into surfing. He was doing tricks by the end of the lesson.

A tired surfer.

Another tired surfer.

We were in the mood for Mexican. For future reference: You can't find good Mexican in Hawaii. Daniel put the lid of the fajita basket on his head and became "Paco" for the rest of the night. I think he looks a lot like Aunt Bea.

Can You Believe I Rode in a Helicopter?

Last year when we went to the Grand Canyon I just couldn't take the helicopter trip. I wanted to but I couldn't get up the nerve. Being in Kaui there was no way I could NOT take the helicopter ride. I'm SO glad I did. It was magical and one of the favorite things we did. The views were AWESOME! Na'pli (spelling?) Coast.

Can you believe the water????

I took so many pictures of waterfalls.

Here's the proof I was on the helicopter!!!

Our Day On The Big Island

We flew out of Oahu early in the morning to spend the day on the Big Island. This is my FAVORITE photo. This was the view before walking down into a rain forest to see the the Akaka Falls. It was very humbling.
The beautiful Akaka Falls.

I wish the photos did it justice.

We stopped for a potty break and the key to the restroom was on a gross bleach top. This is Le holding the key waiting for his turn.

A REAL LIVE active volcano. SOOOOO COOOL!!!

Le and Dan jumping up and down creating their own earthquake at the Volcano National Park Museum.

The Lave Tubes.

One Big Ass Fern.

The view from the black sand beach.

We all wished we could have stayed longer.

Exploring for crabs in lava rock.