Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our Third Day at Mammoth Lakes

ANOTHER great day. Today we went to Yosemite National Park. It is so beautiful. The drive up took close to three hours but it was worth it. We saw a bear with her cub (TOO CUTE!) We saw a herd of moose. (Or meese as daddy calls them.) We hit all the high points. We saw Mariposa Forest which has one of the largest trees in the country. We had to hike .8 miles. After yesterday Daniel was NONE TOO THRILLED. But, we all made it and it was worth it. We also saw Bridal Falls, the dome, and more beautiful scenery than I've ever seen in one place. Sandy and I were talking about it and we have always been so impressed with Ansel Adam's work. But, really, you can't screw up with scenes like that. We are now more in awe of the picture than the photographer.

We made it back to the hotel at 8pm and again sleep was NOT a problem.

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