Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kick off of vacation

We are having a GREAT time on vacation. We left Greenville after work on Friday and drove down to Atlanta to spend the night. We flew out at 8:30am Sat. and arrived in Las Vegas at 9:40am. The flights were on time, the seats were decent, and for 6.00 a seat the kids could play all the video games and watch tv and movies. (I would have paid 12.00!) We picked up our mini van and we were off.

The boys saw a show on the Discovery Channel a few weeks ago about Area 51 and a restaurant/bar/casino/inn there. I was not wild about going because it was taking us over an hour away from our final destination. We still decided to go and I am SO glad we did. The drive was FABULOUS!!! It was deserted two lane roads the whole way. We drove over 200 miles and saw maybe 30 cars. We saw wild mountain goats, rams, deer, it was GREAT. We had so much fun deciding we were being watched. If we saw an odd rock formation we would wave to it so the government could see us. We imagined all types of odd things at the ends of these dirt roads that turned off into nowhere.

We made it to the "Aleinn" as you can see. There wasn't much there (of course) but they had pictures on the wall of spaceships that had been seen in the area and a gift shop and again it was so much fun. We were there all of 15 minutes and we were on our way to our final destination. We didn't think the drive could get any better but it did. We drove out of the desert and into the mountains. There were a couple of times we went around corners and all four of us would gasp. The most incredible thing to me is that even though we were three hours ahead "body time" the boys were great.

We made it to Mammoth Lakes, CA around 5pm ate dinner and went to BED!!!!!! Enjoy the pictures. I will try to post more later.

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