Monday, July 21, 2008

Our First day in Mammoth Lakes

Today we met up "officially" with Brian, Yancey, McKenna and McKenzie. We started out day driving 30miles up the road to, believe it or not, a gas station for breakfast. It was a Mobil Mart. It's the only "gas station" to be written up in Conde Nest (Did I spell that right?) for their food. It's also the only gas station I'll ever pay 43.00 for breakfast..............The food WAS good and we sat outside overlooking Mono Lake. This is a salt water lake (2x more salty than the ocean) that has these creatures in it that build "tugas" They look like big pieces of coral coming up out of the water.

After breakfast we drove to Bodie, CA. This is an abandoned ghost town. Again, the drive was awesome. The last few miles is a dirt road so you sorta get a feel for what it might have been like long ago. The ghost town is preserved in a state of disrepair. We could look in all of the windows, go in a couple of buildings, etc. In the museum they gave the kids books to earn Junior Ranger Badgers. (If you have kids and go to ANY govt. park you need to check this out! We've done it in various states. Even though we read about the ghost town to the kids on the way up, by the time they were done earning their Junior Ranger Badges they knew more than us.)

On the way back to Mammoth we stopped at the Mono Lake Visitor Center. The kids earned another badge there. We met up with one of the park rangers. Leigh was her name. She was SO nice. She took the time to work with the kids on their badges and answer their questions.

Check out the pictures. Truly, the pictures don't do the views justice.

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