Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This was one of my favorite days of vacation.

We rented a boat for the day and spent the day chillin' (literally) on Lake Tahoe.  This was such a fun day for us.  The boys tubed, skied, sunned, swam, and had a great time. The water was SO cold.  It was 58 degrees. BBRRRRRR!!!!  Didn't stop the boys.

 The view from the end of my toes.

 The water was SO cold.  This is Daniel getting out of the water warming up hugging Le.

 Turtle Kitty is Cold!
 I love this law!  In Lake Tahoe if you have a man down in the water the spotter has to wave the orange flag.  I wish they did that on Lake Keowee.  I wish I had a dime for the times I've started frantically flapping my arms to alert a boater to one of my kids in the water.  In fact. I may get an orange flag for our boat, law or not.

 After a long day in cold water we had cocktail hour in the hot tub.
Daniel chatting up Grandma.

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