Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Le's Birthday

Le is consistent if nothing else.  He wanted his birthday up at the lake again this year.  Thanks to Ina and Colin we were happy to oblige.  It was a fun filled weekend with a house full of raging testosterone.  We survived the weekend with very little sleep and no broken bones.  As you can see from the photos we spent the weekend jumping off cliffs and swinging from rope swings.
 I was so proud of Daniel.  He is the little one in the bright blue swim trunks.  He ran with the big dogs all weekend.  He has always been reserved when it comes to doing daring things.  He decided to get out of his box and he jumped and swung with the best of them. 

 I can't believe he is 14.....

 'Pontoon, jumpin' off the back. Don't act like you don't want to.'

Sandy my sun god.

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