Wednesday, October 10, 2012

California Here We Come

Sandy and I didn't really plan on a big trip this summer.  But we did a good job pulling one off anyway.  We realized we had enough frequent flyer miles to fly all of us "somewhere".  We started researching where we could go with the miles we had in the time frame we had.  The end result was Sacramento for two weeks.  So that's what we did!  Our first full day in sunny CA we drove to Lake Tahoe.  The drive was WONDERFUL!  We were on no time schedule and we literally pulled over on the side of the road where ever we saw fit.
 The pictures below are of a pretty little waterfall we found.

 We took the opportunity to hike on the way to Lake Tahoe.  The weather was perfect.

 Our first glimpse of Tahoe. (Far left corner.)

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