Sunday, July 31, 2011

To the Farm!

Of course we had lunch on Monday with Johnny.

Johnny, Sue Joyce, me, Doris (Uncle Joe wasn't able to come.)

Dan and Pa taking a dip in the new pool.

Check this out.  This is an Alligator Snapping Turtle.  They are on the endangered species list.  Mama and Daddy have them in the Lake and Cat Fish Hole.  Dan found this baby.  He's about 2 inches wide and 3 inches long.  Isn't he cute?  We named him Jimmy Johnson.

Dan and Jimmy Johnson.

Dan trapped himself.

Dan and I went out to eat with Vivi and Michael to Kabuto.  Michael and I convinced them it was Vivi's B-day.  We laughed so hard.  Vivian kept trying to tell them it was not her birthday. She got a balloon.  And had to do a birthday dance. 

Vivi doing her dance.  She was a good sport.

Wild turkeys on the farm.

I was home for a week which gave me time to get Le ready for Boy Scout Camp.  Daniel and I went to the farm to see Mama and Daddy.  We were supposed to come home for a couple of days before heading to Gatlinburg for Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary but we decided to just stay at the farm.  This kept us from driving back and forth but kept us away from home for two weeks.  I will divide these post into two separate post. 

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