Sunday, July 31, 2011

My "Business" Trip Continues

My business trip had a lot of first. My first time flying into NYC by myself.  My first taxi ride by myself.  My first train ride EVER. (Except for Thomas The Tank Engine which I would assume doesn't count...)  After spending a couple of days helping Scott I took the train to Providence and spent the weekend with Len and Jaye.  Somehow I packed a WEEK of fun into one short weekend.  I was missing my family and felt guilty being there without them but I had a blast.

 Anne hosted the RI chapter of the Reef Cup Girls Club Meeting (Which will get a posting of it's own.)
 Missing members: Yancey and Leo
 I don't know why but I always take a picture of the table.  This is Ann's feast.

 Mom......Jeff is not coming home tonight!
 Deep thought from Dandy..."It's two am.  You are sitting in the entry hall.  Just go to bed already!"
 Jaye's table at the pool house. This was such a fun night.  A very eclectic group of people.  When Sandy found out who was coming he asked Len who was going to be the listener!
 All of the many corn Accessories I have given Jaye over the years.  Also known as my inheritance.
 Ann, John, Gigi, Len, and Jaye
 Gigi feeling the love.
 Me with Ann and John.
Me and Gigi

My schedule went something like this......Arrive late afternoon.  Dinner at pool house with Stephen Chace's and Len and Jaye.  Morning trip to Little Compton to Church fair.  I attended the auction there which I LOVE!  I bought a child's desk which is now stored in Len and Jaye's barn until our next trip up so I can bring it home.  It will go in our conservatory.  Lunch with Len and Jaye and the Mancini's.  Visit with Uncle Ira and Aunt Midge.  Reef Cup Girls Club Meeting. Sunday visit with Len and Jaye.  Visit with Mrs. Marks.  Visit with Anne.  Trip down to shore with Reef Cup Girls. Dinner with Ann Smith, John Stobart and Mrs. Carlson.  Monday AM. Fly home.  And sleep for 5hrs.....

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