Sunday, July 31, 2011

My "Business" Trip To New York City

 Outside of Lincoln Center with Tobias, his young bride Virginia, and Scott.
Angelia and me at the Atlantic Grill.

Our very dear friend Scott just moved into a new apartment in NYC and I have been helping him put it together.  We have had many consults via email, phone, and photo.  Scott flew me up for a couple of days to put the finishing touches on everything.  I can't express how much fun I had.  It was the perfect mix of work and fun.  Scott was such a good sport about everything.  He took time off from work not only to do his stuff but to take me all over the garment district.  One of the highlights of my visit was running the reservoir in Central Park.  Scott has such a love for "his city".  His entheusiasm can't help but rub off.  I look forward to going back with Sandy and the boys soon.

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