Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On The Run

I'm working hard folks!  Sandy has been running for about a year.  About 3 months ago I picked up the nasty habit.  I HATED it!  I mean HAAAATTTTTEDDD it!  But I've kept at it every other day.  This past week I crossed some kind of thresh hold.  I've started regretting not running on my "off" days.  SO, for the past few days I've been running every day.  Let me clarify.  I'm not RUNNING.  More like "loping".  But, I'm doing it.  I'm up to two miles.  Again, not great but it's something.  I'm working up to running a 5k Oct. 30th in Greenville.  I think Sandy is going to run it with me and Blair is going to run the half marathon.  We'll see...........

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