Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just wanting to know

Hey Guys,
I have a random question.  I set this blog up for all of our friends and family who are out of town.  A way for all of us to keep up with each other.  I enjoy posting and love to look back at the photos.  It's like a family photo album.  But does anyone ever look?  I get no feedback postings.  I seldom get verbal feedback!  Do me a favor.  If you follow and or check the blog leave a brief comment.  You don't have to let me know who you are if you don't want to.  An inquiring mind wants to know!


Just a man said...
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Just a man said...

Hello Chaces,

In response to your request about whether anyone ever looks at the blog, here's one Chace who does. I have a Google alert setup to inform me about changes, additions to, creation of "Chace" websites and information on the web. Yours pops up every once in a while and I have a look. You can check out my Chace family website here: Any Chace I have ever met or communicated with has been related to each other as descendants of William Chase. Cheers, Jeffrey Chace.

Erica said...

I read it.....don't stop posting!

Tina Sanders-Mixon said...

Of course I do....I still like to keep up with my PEEPS! I really miss hanging with you guys!