Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On The Run

I'm working hard folks!  Sandy has been running for about a year.  About 3 months ago I picked up the nasty habit.  I HATED it!  I mean HAAAATTTTTEDDD it!  But I've kept at it every other day.  This past week I crossed some kind of thresh hold.  I've started regretting not running on my "off" days.  SO, for the past few days I've been running every day.  Let me clarify.  I'm not RUNNING.  More like "loping".  But, I'm doing it.  I'm up to two miles.  Again, not great but it's something.  I'm working up to running a 5k Oct. 30th in Greenville.  I think Sandy is going to run it with me and Blair is going to run the half marathon.  We'll see...........

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just wanting to know

Hey Guys,
I have a random question.  I set this blog up for all of our friends and family who are out of town.  A way for all of us to keep up with each other.  I enjoy posting and love to look back at the photos.  It's like a family photo album.  But does anyone ever look?  I get no feedback postings.  I seldom get verbal feedback!  Do me a favor.  If you follow and or check the blog leave a brief comment.  You don't have to let me know who you are if you don't want to.  An inquiring mind wants to know!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Boy Scout Camp (Camp Old Indian)

Le is spending the week at Camp Old Indian. This is the hottest week since 1920. We went up Wednesday for family night. OMG it is so hot! I can't get over these boys attitudes. They are hot and miserable and having a blast. We are so proud of Le. Le is working on his Wilderness Survival Merit Badge for Eagle Scout. He had to hike into the woods with a couple of other boys and build shelter and spend the night in it.........And to think his mother believes Hampton Inn is roughing it.............
Waiting for a breeze.

Le showing us where they built their camp. I wish it had still been standing but they had to tear it down the next morning.

Hanging out at camp.

Look at how tired Le looks.

Le showing us his bunk with mosquito netting.

Le's humble abode.

Le and Spencer.

We brought Le a Coke and a cheeseburger. HEAVEN!!! He devoured it.

I love this picture. I don't know why. I think it's because I can "see" the man to be.

Hot waiting for dismissal to dinner.

Dan, Blair, and I go to the farm

We took a trip to the farm while Le was at Seasalt camp. The pictures are not very exciting but we had a nice time. We played a lot of cards and rode 4 x 4's and hung out with family. Dan and Sissy with Alex in the background.
The weather was great. Not much humidity. We used the good weather as an excuse to go on a picnic on the farm.

Blair shooting the .22.

Dan showing her how it's done.......