Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Boss proves he's called "The Boss" for a reason.

OMG! What a night! Most of you know I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen fan. HUGE! What you probably don't know is I'm raising a Bruce lover in Daniel. He too has become a huge fan. Sandy and I bought tickets to take the boys to see The Boss at the Bi-Lo center. This was my third time to see him, Sandy's second, and the boys first. Bruce had his A game on. Sandy, the boys and I sang and danced the night away. Bruce played for three hours. Le and Dan were tired Thursday morning but they wore their t shirts to school as bragging rights. Daniel's principal told me Daniel said, "I can listen to Bruce all day but I can't listen to him all night. I'm tired!"
Daniel could hardly contain himself.

I kept trying to get a picture of Dan dancing but he would catch me and stop. This was as close as I could get.

Niles, Clarence, and Bruce.

Truly, The Boss!

Clarence and Bruce.

Side note: I was a bit let down when the E Street Band came out and Mighty Max (drummer) wasn't there. This kid sat down behind the drums and proceeded to blow my hair back. Come to find out this is Mighty Max's SON. The kid just turned 19 last week and he's the best drummer I've ever seen. Sheer bliss was on this kids face and pure passion came out of those drums. He was as fun to watch and Clarence and Bruce!

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