Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Girls Weekend!!!!!

Erica and I took our annual Girl's Weekend this past weekend. Last year we took both of our families on a Disney Cruise. We had so much fun! So this year we went without them.......Sounds mean doesn't it? We broke the news to our boys by telling them it was an "adult" Disney Cruise. (And It was in OUR cabin.) Dan wanted to know how an adult cruise was different. I told him you have to read a lot. From that point on he didn't have any interest in going. This was one of the most relaxing trips Erica and I have done in a couple of years.......Since Puerto Vallarta :) We napped, sipped wine, read, napped, gossiped, sipped wine, shopped, napped. You get the picture. It was GREAT! While we were in Nassau we went and checked out Atlantis Resort. We are going to try and take both of our families there next year over fall break. Next year we will celebrate 25 years of friendship. Here's to 25 More!!! Our first night of R and R.
Erica on the balcony. (Erica, I tried to download pictures I have of us on the balcony of our hotel in Sarasota, FL. in approx. 1990. Do you remember those? They look so much like these two pictures it cracked me up. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it work.)

Me on the balcony.

Straw market in Nassau.

Our view at Serenity Beach. (HEAVEN!)

Drinks on Serenity Beach.

Too funny!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day At Death Valley

Ina and Colin bid on a Clemson package at a silent auction and graciously invited us to tag along. The weather was very iffy but it didn't stop us from having fun. We tailgated for a couple of hours before the game. It was a relaxing fun time. Thanks to Ina for all the great food and drink. Ina showing me some of the southern graces she's learned since leaving PA.
Sandy's "Dead Body Friend" Colin.

DBF forever!

Ina even brought a birthday cake to celebrate my b-day!

The Boss proves he's called "The Boss" for a reason.

OMG! What a night! Most of you know I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen fan. HUGE! What you probably don't know is I'm raising a Bruce lover in Daniel. He too has become a huge fan. Sandy and I bought tickets to take the boys to see The Boss at the Bi-Lo center. This was my third time to see him, Sandy's second, and the boys first. Bruce had his A game on. Sandy, the boys and I sang and danced the night away. Bruce played for three hours. Le and Dan were tired Thursday morning but they wore their t shirts to school as bragging rights. Daniel's principal told me Daniel said, "I can listen to Bruce all day but I can't listen to him all night. I'm tired!"
Daniel could hardly contain himself.

I kept trying to get a picture of Dan dancing but he would catch me and stop. This was as close as I could get.

Niles, Clarence, and Bruce.

Truly, The Boss!

Clarence and Bruce.

Side note: I was a bit let down when the E Street Band came out and Mighty Max (drummer) wasn't there. This kid sat down behind the drums and proceeded to blow my hair back. Come to find out this is Mighty Max's SON. The kid just turned 19 last week and he's the best drummer I've ever seen. Sheer bliss was on this kids face and pure passion came out of those drums. He was as fun to watch and Clarence and Bruce!

Labor day weekend

We spent the weekend up at the lake with the Cottinghams. The weather was awesome. I'm sure you guys get tired of seeing the same ole post but we have so much fun on the lake. Sunday we had Barbara, Kevin, Stephen, and Patrick along with Blair, Windsor and her family a couple other couples up for dinner. It was a great mix of people. A lot of laughs. Colin, Le and Patrick taking a group tubing.
Me, my "dead body friend" Barbara (One night several years ago Sandy and I were talking about how lucky we were to have good friends. And how friendships were different. Scott is Sandy's best friend and Erica is mine. But we decided Barbara and Colin are our Dead Body Friends. These are the friends that we could call up and say, "Look, I need your help. I have a dead body in my trunk. I need you to help me get rid of it. Don't ask any questions. And never mention it again." And that is exactly what they would do.) and Blair.
Barbara is not a lake person. This was a big step for her to take a ride on a jet ski.

Patrick rowed that canoe all over the lake.

Adult beverages, cool lake water, noodles and life vest to float on. Life just doesn't get any better.

For the first time ever we let Le drive the jet ski by himself. He thought he was the bee's knees.