Sunday, November 23, 2008

NY, NY It's a Heck of a Town

The Unibomber picks his Legos.
The Carlson's newest family member, Pucci.

These were SO COOL.

The Gang!

Ella and Dan

Le and Lilly

Nothing like breaking up the long drive to RI with a stop over in New York City. We've had such a great time. The boys have been saving their allowance for 10 weeks knowing we were coming. So, of course, the first stop was Toys R Us to rid themselves of the money burning a hole in their pocket. (You would think they would choose FAO but they think TRU has better Legos.) Scott, Michelle, and the girls met us at TRU and once again were the PERFECT host for the rest of our visit.

After a great lunch at Three Guys, The Carlsons took us to the New York Botanical Gardens. There was a train "exhibit" there. But, the trains were not the focus. There were miniature buildings of NYC created out of all natural products. While the kids were fascinated with the trains Sandy and I were fascinated with the building. I've included a picture of one of the buildings but the photo doesn't do it justice.

For Dinner The Carlson's took us to a wonderful Italian restaurant. The kids get along so well. We actually were able to have ADULT conversation!

Last but not least, everyone came over to the hotel and the kids went for a swim. WHAT A DAY!

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