Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving in Rhode Island

Our first night in Tiverton Anne and Stephen had a great party with cousins. You would think I would have snapped pictures all night but I only took a couple! Here's one of Dr. Marks and Mrs. Carlson.
Le had a BLAST working with Howard and Grandpa Chace trimming the trees along the driveway. Howard allowed Le to drive the lawnmower to mulch leaves and use the wood chipper. (While this was going on you could find me a corner of the house chewing my nails while rocking back and forth. I had to just let it go and put my faith in Howard and Grandpa. They didn't let me down. My baby still has all of his fingers and toes.)

Thanksgiving day we took a hike with the Stephen Chaces. You can tell from the pictures WHO is from the south. Lori is sockless with short pants while Le and Dan are completely zipped up. We were cold!

Three Chace men. Do they look related??

The two in laws.

Four Chace birds in a nest.

Daniel Boone Chace surveying the horizon.

The kids table on Thanksgiving. Aren't they a handsome crew? Look at Grammy Jaye's pumpkin center piece. I wish I had taken a closer picture. She painted it herself.

On black Friday Grammy and Grandpa took us all out to eat. We were the ONLY people at the club. It was really nice. The boys were able to sit nearby and play chess while the adults were able to visit.

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