Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cub Scout Pancake Fundraiser

Fuzzy action shot.

Daniel was opening the door for people and check out his shoes! It was 37 degrees and he's out if flip flops!

Daniel supervising the cooking.

Le eating before the crowds start.

This morning we had a pancake fundraiser for Cub Scout Pack 3. It was a big success. It seems the boys spent a lot of time playing basketball but they really pitched in when we needed it. There was one thing I was very proud about. There was a man who came in to eat and he was by himself. I asked Le to go over and see if he needed anything, and I told Le I hated to see anyone eat alone. This man was sorta hunched over focusing on his food. Le sat down with him. You could tell it was hard for Le to start up a conversation with him. But he did. By the time this man was done with his breakfast he was all smiles and chatting. I was so proud of Le.

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