Monday, June 16, 2008

And SO it begins.......

Ok folks. I'm stressed. Today the phone rings. I answer. This sweet little voice says, "This is Anne Marie. Can I please speak with Daniel?". My sweet, INNOCENT little boy gets on the phone. I'm trying not to hover and appear to be eavesdropping. But I am. Dan (the master of small talk) ask Anne Marie how her summer is going, and if she has done anything fun. Then, Daniel (My baby) is apparently just listening to Anne Marie talk. I hear him say, "Uh, can we talk about something else? Yeah, well thanks for calling." And he hangs up. He turns to me and says, "That was just weird."

"What?" I say.

"Anne Marie just called to tell me Savannah has a crush on me. She thinks I'm hot. (I SWEAR those were his exact words!)

I reply, "THAT is weird."

Dan says, "Eh, she'll be over it by tomorrow. Let's not talk about it." (The little hussy better be.)

I ask you. IS THIS NORMAL? DO THEY START THIS YOUNG? And for the record. My baby is ADORABLE, CUTE, SWEET, NOT HOT!!!!!!!

1 comment:

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