Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mama gets the night off!!! Sorta....

Le and Daniel have a kids cookbook that they have been wanting to use. Since it IS the first week of summer I let the boys pick out what they wanted to make for dinner tonight. (This cookbook cracks me up. The directions to make mac and cheese go like this. 1. Get large pot and fill 2/3 with water bring water to boil. 2. Open box of macaroni and cheese and pour noodles in. 3. After draining noodles use scissors to cut open pouch of cheese to stir into noodles. Is it just me? Or can you get those SAME directions on the back of the Mac and Cheese box?????) Anyway, tonight they made hot dogs wrapped in bacon and mac and cheese. Not the most nutritious meal but at least I didn't have to cook. The boys set the table with paper plates and wine glasses. Enjoy the pictures. Grammy Jaye and Grandpa Chace, you are rubbing off on the boys. Dan proposed a toast to "A five star dinner". Le lifted his glass and said "Skoll". Sandy and I cracked up.

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