Sunday, October 23, 2011

Disney World One More Time

We decided we needed to take the boys to Disney one more time before they got too old.  It was a short but fun trip.  Mama and Daddy met us down there which was the icing on the cake.
 Blair and her pets.
 Seriously, I took this photo without them seeing.  They were all piled in the bed reading a trash magazine.
 Let the Memories Begin!
 Does this hat make me look good?
 Dan and Grandma.
 Two sets of love birds.
 My view for most of the trip.

 This is my favorite.
 Blair had never been to WDW.  She was so cute on the trip.  We are used to having boys.  She loved all the Lion King and Beauty and The Beast stuff.  We kept telling her, "You're such a girl!"
 Grandpa upset because he came out of the bathroom and couldn't find us.
 Family shot!
 Daniel's buff tattoo
 I hate this one of Blair nibbling on Mickey's ear is fuzzy.

 Dinner at Portobello's
 Does this require any words?

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