Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dinner With Hans and Gabrielle

Jumping on the trampoline.

 Hans and Le (in desperate need of a haircut by the way.)
 The aluminum foil was an example of Gabrielle's day.  She couldn't get it to roll back up so she just went postal on it..
 This photo scares me.
 Dinner on the deck.
 Hans made Banana's Foster....flames and all.  YUM!
 And if the aluminum foil wasn't bad enough....Gabby had a hole in her shirt. 

We had a great dinner at the Hirschbergers the other night.  Gabrielle had a very stressful day the day we came regarding her job.  It turned into a very funny carry over into the evening.  As usual the kids played so well together and so did the adults.  Even though Le is the teenager in the group he was a good sport with the younger boys.

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