Monday, October 18, 2010

The Carlson Family Travels South

This photo got out of order but I wanted to make sure it got included.
We were so excited to have the Carlson's travel south for a visit.  We made good use of the great weather and spent some time at the lake.  Thanks guys for a great visit.  We love you lots!
We stopped at Blair's on the way home and met her roommates hedgehog.  We all took turns holding Marty. 

 No weekend at the lake is complete without a stop at Copper River Grill.  Here I am with my "kids".
 I ADORE this picture of Ella and Scott talking about someone who talks too much.
 Scott and Ella.
 Lillian and Dan.
 Scott taking the jet ski for a spin.

 Dan and Blair eating cookies at the waterfall.

 Tubing, tubing and MORE tubing.  It never gets old.

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