Monday, October 18, 2010

Can You Say Heaven?

We had the BEST trip over the kids fall break.  We went with the Zuckerman's to Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas.  It was a wonderful trip.  It was a near perfect trip. 

Marc, Sandy, and Erica in the limo on the way to the hotel.

 Erica and Marc at Carmine's.
 Me and Sandy at Carmine's.  The boys decided they wanted to order room service and watch a movie so we got to have and adult evening.  COOL.
Dan, Ben, Le and Matthew with stilts guy at the Market Place.

 These pictures speak for themselves.  We were jamming with musicians at the market place.  You will not see Le in these pictures.  He was very embarrassed by our behavior.

 Buck and Roy.  HeeHaw revisited.

The grounds at Atlantis were incredible.
 Le found a buddy who worked at the grill.  His name was Prince and he WAS a Prince.  He was so good to Daniel and Ben who hung out with him all weekend.  By the end of our stay the kids were taking orders busing tables DJing in the music booth.  Prince would pay the kids in cookies, sodas, and hot dogs.  (Could life GET any better for the boys??)  Prince spent a lot of time teaching Daniel how to catch birds. 
 Dan caught not one......
 Not two.........
 But THREE birds.  We will be starting our series of Avian flu shots next week........I wonder how this is going to go over in Ocean Reef?
 Marc busting a move at Johnny Rockets.
 The boys had a grand time killing their balloon animals.  They were stomped.  Shut in elevator doors.  You name it.
Poor Erica lost the diamond out of her engagement ring.  She said she couldn't imagine losing it in a more beautiful place.  We've been best friends for 25 years.  Cheers to 25 more!

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