Sunday, November 1, 2009

Len and Jaye Visit!

Grammy and Grandpa made their annual October pilgrimage to SC. Even though the weather was cold and dreary we had a great visit. The boys were out of school for fall break. So, we took Len and Jaye to Reedy Falls for lunch at The Falls View Cafe.
This view is beautiful in ANY weather.

What a picture!

Le getting snuggles watching a football game.

Sunday we took a road trip to Skytop Orchard in NC to pick apples. As Scott Carlson would say, "It was a long run for a short slide." It was an hour drive. Once we got there we realized everyone within a 100 mile radius had the same idea as us. The wind was blowing with gust up to 40mph and it was only about 45 degrees. (Did I mention Daniel didn't bring his coat?) We were able to pick 1/2 bushel of apples in less than five minutes. Then stood in line for 30 minutes waiting to pay for them. (Note to self: Skytop apples are delivered to Publix WEEKLY....) The day wasn't a total loss. We were able to pick up two bottles of wine in NC (You can't buy alcohol on Sunday in SC.)before heading home. We only had to stand in line 5 minutes to pay for those. Once home, we uncorked the first bottle, turned on the Patriots game, and Jaye, Le, and I made one of the best apple pies I've ever tasted.

Too bad this picture isn't a video to show how quickly we were yanking apples off those trees.

Where is Waldo?

Len redecorated while he was here. In the middle of a football game he gets up without saying a word. Walks outside. Walks around the pool deck picking up various tables. At this point we are staring out the window with quizzical expressions on our face. He finally finds a table he likes and walks back in with it. Not saying a word he puts it at the end of the sofa. Sits down, leans forward to the coffee table, picks up his drink, sets it on the "new" table and says, "THERE! That's better."

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