Sunday, November 22, 2009

Big Week for Le

Poor birdie! All I wanted Le to do was scrub his hands. A hunter I would never make.
Notice Daniel caressing the unloaded shotgun in the back ground. Poor Dan. It sucks to have an older brother.

Spencer decked out in camo.

Master hunters.

Le had his first alto sax recital this week. Last weekend he went camping with the Boy Scouts and received his rifle merit badge. So you know what that meant this weekend? Dove hunting. Le went with the Boy Scouts to a farm in Spartanburg. There were only two birds shot that day. One of them being Le and Spencers. Apparently it was a team effort to take the bird down. Spencer and Le were both shooting at it. They both hit it. To hear the story told, Spencer wounded it, Le finished it off but Scott said it was too close to call. Even though I wasn't wild about hunting Le had so much fun. Special thanks goes to Scott who took care such good safe care of Le while he was out there.

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