Tuesday, March 3, 2009


From Left to right:Danial, Dinah, Jeff, Le, Daniel Dietrich, Samual.
Standing in the middle of a blizzard!

We have had an exciting couple of days. A rare occurrence happened Sunday night. It snowed! It was a thick wet snow that stuck to everything. BEAUTIFUL! It rained all weekend and Sunday at about 4:30pm it changed over to snow. It was really cool because there was a lot of lightening and thunder while it was snowing. At 7pm we couldn't stand it any longer. We all bundled up and went outside to play. We, along with the Dietrich's, were out until about 10pm. The snow stopped about midnight. We got 5-6 inches. Of course there was no school yesterday or today. Lucky for us it's going to be 72 degrees on Saturday. (Ya gotta love the south.)

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