Saturday, January 10, 2009

An Expensive Trip to Atlanta

Last weekend we took the boys to Atlanta for the weekend. We met Yancey, Brian, Mckenna and Mckenzie. We had a LOT of fun. We had tickets to the King Tut Exhibit. We enjoyed it but I have to say it paled in comparison to the Ramses Exhibit we saw in Nashville a couple of years ago. We also took the kids to the World of Coca-Cola. That too was a good time. We stayed at the Sheraton Downtown. They had a great indoor pool where the kids spent a lot of their time. There was also a pool table on the club level that the kids made good use. What made the trip so expensive was that I LOST my camera. I'm SO sad. The last time I had it, that I remember, was on the club floor. I was taking pictures of the kids playing pool. (For this blogspot of course!) Apparently, I left it up there and now it's gone. The only good news is that I had downloaded all of the pictures on the memory stick before we left. So, there will be no pictures for a few weeks until I can find a decent priced camera to buy:(

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