Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I had two SAD boys this morning!

Last night it was all over the news. SNOW!!! One to three inches! The boys were TOO excited. They couldn't WAIT for morning. I too was looking forward to a day at home. I could sew while the boys played outside. Before the boys went to bed they did everything in their power to invoke snow. They put their pajamas on backward AND inside out. They each put a plastic spoon under their pillow. And they each flushed three ice cubes down the toilet. (Don't ask me where all of this started! I'm not going to worry until they feel the need to flick the on off switch 27 times before leaving a room. At that point I will seek therapy.) Dan woke up at 6am RAN to the window..............and burst into tears. "It didn't work! What did we do wrong? PLEASE don't make us go to school." The weird thing is that all the counties around us were out of school for the day! It appears the snow just skipped over us! I told the boys I think they need to keep the ice cubes in the toilet and not flush them! I dropped two very sad boys off at school and drug my very sad self to work. We'll revamp our ritual and try again soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Le and Dan walk on water!

Le and Dan laying on the cat fish hole. Dan SITTING on the lake!
Le and Dan hanging out by the dock.

If they could only get along like this all the time!

On the way home it snowed and snowed. It didn't stick to the roads thank goodness.

We stopped to fill up with gas in Knoxville. It was snowing huge flakes. The boys were standing at the back of the car catching snowflakes on their tongues. They were very excited. I had to explain to the car next to us, "We're from South Carolina. They have seen snow MAYBE twice. This is a big deal to them!"

Pa and Le watch football. (Le's team won.)

Le and Dan out for a hike.

Deer in the front yard.

This weekend was a four day weekend for the boys so we decided we would head to the farm. It was SOOOOO cold. It was five degrees Friday morning when we woke up. The cold worked to our advantage because schools were closed. Aunt Vivi was able to spend the day with us. It was really cool because the lake and cat fish hole were frozen. The boys spent several hours trying to crack the ice, slide rocks from shore to shore, slide themselves back and forth. It was a balmy 42 degrees on Sunday. The boys went on a nature hike all by themselves on the farm. I think they had more fun packing to hike. They had a sword (dull) for digging, coke and sprite, ziplock bags for treasures, binoculars, etc. Friday night we went to Vivi's for white chili. (YUM!) We watched a couple of movies and just relaxed.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

An Expensive Trip to Atlanta

Last weekend we took the boys to Atlanta for the weekend. We met Yancey, Brian, Mckenna and Mckenzie. We had a LOT of fun. We had tickets to the King Tut Exhibit. We enjoyed it but I have to say it paled in comparison to the Ramses Exhibit we saw in Nashville a couple of years ago. We also took the kids to the World of Coca-Cola. That too was a good time. We stayed at the Sheraton Downtown. They had a great indoor pool where the kids spent a lot of their time. There was also a pool table on the club level that the kids made good use. What made the trip so expensive was that I LOST my camera. I'm SO sad. The last time I had it, that I remember, was on the club floor. I was taking pictures of the kids playing pool. (For this blogspot of course!) Apparently, I left it up there and now it's gone. The only good news is that I had downloaded all of the pictures on the memory stick before we left. So, there will be no pictures for a few weeks until I can find a decent priced camera to buy:(