Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Truth Comes Out!!!

Let the party begin!

Titantic drill!

So breakfast is over. We are back in the car. We drive for five minutes and come into Port Canaveral. There are two large ships there. Disney Wonder and Carnival Sensation. Le says, "Looks like some people are going on a cruise.....". A minute goes by. Dan says, "It's a pretty day for them to go on a cruise.....". Silence.....We make a couple more turns and there is this woman waving us in with a Mickey Mouse hand. It is at THAT moment the boys realize THEY are the people going on the cruise. Daniel cried he was so excited. And the surprises kept coming. Erica, Marc, and their two boys Ben and Matthew met us on the ship! Once we hugged and said our hellos, as we were walking off Dan asked, "Was that supposed to happen?"

The cruise over night to the Bahamas was an adventure. We had 12 ft. seas. I was worried about sea sickness but everyone did fine. I loved the rocking motion. I swear I got the best nights sleep feeling the rocking of the ship. It was weird watching the pool water splash side to side. It was a challenge to walk too but I thought it was great fun! (I don't think Marc had the same opinion of "fun" that I did.)

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