Sunday, September 28, 2008

I love these pictures

The Last Night On The Ship\Morning Departure

Two very tired little boys.

We asked this nice crew person to take our picture. After three tries we gave up. This one's fuzzy....

This one has a headless Marc....

This one cut off the top of Marc's head and is fuzzy........If Judge Judy had been there she would have said, "Your an IDIOT!"

Welcome to Castaway Cay

Le, Ben, and Matthew solving all the worlds problems.
Daniel LIKES ribs.

Mr. GQ

Today we spent the whole day on Disney's private island. We rode bikes, snorkeled, rode paddle boats, had a b-b-q lunch, floated in beautiful water and had a great day.

Stingrays and Dolphins

Today while the Zuckerman's were swimming with dolphins we were swimming with stingrays. We did the dolphin thing a couple of years ago and wanted to do something different. Let me just say.....stingrays do not have the personality of dolphin. In fact, I've concluded stingrays are just big flat fish. They swam all around us, we fed them, we touched them, end of day. I remember now why I always get my daddy to take fish off the hook when we go fishing. The kids enjoyed it. Afterwards, we got to hang out on a beautiful beach and relax.
Dinner was a SCREAM! We made the children go to the Oceaneers Club (kids club) while we went to the adult restaurant, Palo's. We get there and the manager very nicely tells Sandy he can't come in with shorts. He must have long pant. Of course, Sandy didn't pack long pants. The manager called down to the laundry and had a pair of pants sent up. We have before and after pictures that I will post as soon as I get them from Erica. These pants were a scream. Double polyester, black, with worn knees. Mix this with brown sandals and powder blue shirt.....Got a visual? We had a WONDERFUL dinner. It probably ranks as one of the best dinners we've ever had. It was worth the black pants!!!

Dinner at Animators Pallet

16 1/2 years of happy marriage!
Le and Ben scanning the menu.

Our first dinner was at Animators Pallet. It's an all black and white restaurant that over the course of the meal turns to color. Erica and I both brought nicer clothes to wear to dinner. We were having such a good time we decided "Who needs to change?" We all went as is and no one seemed to care. This was the first of several great meals.

The Truth Comes Out!!!

Let the party begin!

Titantic drill!

So breakfast is over. We are back in the car. We drive for five minutes and come into Port Canaveral. There are two large ships there. Disney Wonder and Carnival Sensation. Le says, "Looks like some people are going on a cruise.....". A minute goes by. Dan says, "It's a pretty day for them to go on a cruise.....". Silence.....We make a couple more turns and there is this woman waving us in with a Mickey Mouse hand. It is at THAT moment the boys realize THEY are the people going on the cruise. Daniel cried he was so excited. And the surprises kept coming. Erica, Marc, and their two boys Ben and Matthew met us on the ship! Once we hugged and said our hellos, as we were walking off Dan asked, "Was that supposed to happen?"

The cruise over night to the Bahamas was an adventure. We had 12 ft. seas. I was worried about sea sickness but everyone did fine. I loved the rocking motion. I swear I got the best nights sleep feeling the rocking of the ship. It was weird watching the pool water splash side to side. It was a challenge to walk too but I thought it was great fun! (I don't think Marc had the same opinion of "fun" that I did.)

They Don't Have A Clue!

We surprised the boys by picking them up from school Wed. at 11:30am. We started driving south. Le thought he knew where we were going because the school secretary accidentally asked Le if he was excited about going to Florida. She forgot it was all a surprise. She could tell by Le's face not to say anymore! Le KNEW we were going to Grandpa Chace's yellow house in Ocean Reef. Whatever questions the boys asked we would answer, "Maybe so. Maybe not." The Ocean Reef theory was reinforced by the fact that we stayed at the hotel we always stay in on the way to OR. (It just happens to be five minutes from the port.) We had breakfast Thurs. morning in front of the HUGE aquarium and both of the boys were SO smug.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another Year Older

Even though Daniel officially turned 8 Sept. 5 we celebrated his birthday party today. I think everybody had a great time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We are NOT ready for summer to be over.

We had so much fun Labor Day weekend. We went to the lake for the weekend. Saturday we hung out with Colin. Sunday we invited Blaire and her roommate Amber up for the day. Daniel and Le WORE Blaire out. "Blaire, BLAIRE, look, Blaire, LOOK, watch me, Blaire!" Monday Barbara, Kevin, and the boys came up for the day. We spent our days skiing, tubing,and hanging out. It was so relaxing. The weather was humid but beautiful.