Monday, June 16, 2008

And SO it begins.......

Ok folks. I'm stressed. Today the phone rings. I answer. This sweet little voice says, "This is Anne Marie. Can I please speak with Daniel?". My sweet, INNOCENT little boy gets on the phone. I'm trying not to hover and appear to be eavesdropping. But I am. Dan (the master of small talk) ask Anne Marie how her summer is going, and if she has done anything fun. Then, Daniel (My baby) is apparently just listening to Anne Marie talk. I hear him say, "Uh, can we talk about something else? Yeah, well thanks for calling." And he hangs up. He turns to me and says, "That was just weird."

"What?" I say.

"Anne Marie just called to tell me Savannah has a crush on me. She thinks I'm hot. (I SWEAR those were his exact words!)

I reply, "THAT is weird."

Dan says, "Eh, she'll be over it by tomorrow. Let's not talk about it." (The little hussy better be.)

I ask you. IS THIS NORMAL? DO THEY START THIS YOUNG? And for the record. My baby is ADORABLE, CUTE, SWEET, NOT HOT!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a weekend!

  • Sandy came home Friday and announced he had gottin' himself an early Fathers Day gift. Then he called Le and Daniel and told them to go out to the driveway. Lo' and behold attached to the back of the Taurus was a jet ski............Needless to say pandemonium ensued. Saturday morning we got up and off we went to Lake Keowee. Our friends, Ina and Colin, have a lake house at Keowee. They are so generous and give us access to their dock and house.

    The boys wore themselves out. We normally take a tube up to the lake but Sandy had the foresight to bring his skis also. (You should see these skis. They are approaching 30 years old and are made out of WOOD. I don't think they MAKE wooden skis anymore. I could probably sell them on Ebay and make a small fortune. Hmmmmm........)

    After only three tries Le was up and gone. We are going to have to invest in some junior water skis for Daniel but Dan got his kicks by swimming and tubing. The pictures are random but I did get a video of Le skiing. I LOVE the picture of Sandy towing all the kids to the island. He looks like a mama duck with her babies.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just for YOU Grammy Jaye

Here is a picture of the black dining room I was telling you about. It's not NEARLY as ugly as you thought it would be now is it????? I still have to hang the mirror, window treatments will be white silk with a damask black pattern, turquoise shag rug will go under the table (it's been ordered), floral arrangement in the center of the table will be all white, and chairs will be covered in a black fabric with a very fine line of white. I'll send you a completed picture in a couple of weeks.

Mama gets the night off!!! Sorta....

Le and Daniel have a kids cookbook that they have been wanting to use. Since it IS the first week of summer I let the boys pick out what they wanted to make for dinner tonight. (This cookbook cracks me up. The directions to make mac and cheese go like this. 1. Get large pot and fill 2/3 with water bring water to boil. 2. Open box of macaroni and cheese and pour noodles in. 3. After draining noodles use scissors to cut open pouch of cheese to stir into noodles. Is it just me? Or can you get those SAME directions on the back of the Mac and Cheese box?????) Anyway, tonight they made hot dogs wrapped in bacon and mac and cheese. Not the most nutritious meal but at least I didn't have to cook. The boys set the table with paper plates and wine glasses. Enjoy the pictures. Grammy Jaye and Grandpa Chace, you are rubbing off on the boys. Dan proposed a toast to "A five star dinner". Le lifted his glass and said "Skoll". Sandy and I cracked up.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dan's Race

Would you believe our great neighbors video taped Dan's race!!!!! You miss the ending because of someone's leg but you can hear the excitement and see the turbo kick in.

Friday, June 6, 2008

No pictures this week friends!

I'm sorry but I don't have any good pictures this week. It's been a crazy week. Le and Dan's last day of school was Wednesday.

Thursday the boys had their first swim meet. It was SO hot. The boys did really well. Daniel competed in the 8yr and under.He won 1st place in 25M backstroke which was very exciting! He won second place in 100M relay (breast stroke) and 3rd place in 100M relay freestyle. Le competed in the 9-10yr old division. He won 2nd place in the 25M backstroke, 3rd place in 100M freestyle relay, and 5th place in 25M freestyle. We were bummed because we thought Le won the 25M butterfly but he was DQed because his arms went below his waist on some of his strokes.

I have to tell the story about Daniel's first place. Last year Daniel didn't win any first place ribbons. This year Daniels first race was the 25M backstroke. The race started and he was doing pretty good. He was about 2/3 down the lane when all of a sudden he went into turbo speed and ended up winning by,literally, a second. We had a crowd of approx. 10-15 friends at the swim meet who were aware that this was Daniel's first win. We made such fools out of ourselves. You would have thought he had just brought home a gold medal for the US of A! We stopped just short of carrying him around on our shoulders. Of course, Daniel was beaming. Our friend Rhonda asked Dan, "What happened out there?". Daniel replied, "I KNEW I was going to lose and I just decided to go CRAZY!"

We will have another swim meet next Thursday. I will do my best to bring my camera and get some good pictures.