Saturday, May 19, 2012

NOT the best trip to Ocean Reef (for me anyway)

You all know we love visiting Len and Jaye in Ocean Reef over Easter.  This year was no exception.  A few days before we departed I was feeling a little weird.  My hips, ankles, and wrist hurt SO bad.  I even went so far as to look up symptoms of Fibromyalgia.  Friday we headed out around 9am.  On the way down I just felt horrible.  Then I started having chills.  I slept most of the way down.  We stopped in Florida City and picked up a thermometer....103.  Not good.

I was sick the WHOLE time.  I mean really, really sick.  I did everything in my power to rally and make the best of the situation.  I slept most of the week.  I would put on my bathing suit and go to the beach with they family and sleep.  I never was able to get my fever below 100 for long.  I made a trip to the Dr. and finally got a z pac on Friday after a week.  I would have "moments" where I would try to participate in the fun but the vacation basically sucked for me.  There were a few times with the fever where I would have to ask Sandy, "Did that happen or did I dream it?"  I developed a really weird cough toward the end of the week which turned out to be Whooping Cough.  Yes folks, I'm 44 years old and had Whooping Cough.  It has been a long hard 6 weeks but I am finally WELL.

 Me and Anne Marinic
 Sissy and Le
 Le and Blair doing the "Glee" jump.  We had a really funny night trying to get a good photo of Le, Daniel, and Blair doing the Glee jump at the same time.  78 photos later we gave up.

 Some how I ended up with two of these photos.

 Blair and Turtle Kitty
 Le coming after me after I pushed him in the pool.
 Well, that started it.  We all ended up fully clothed in the pool.
 Coming out of the pool.  Look how sick I look in the eyes!

 Playing cards!
 Daniel thinking REALLY hard.
 Daniel having a miserable time....
 Easter Egg hunt.

 How weird is this.  Blair and I went to Talbot's on different days and came out with the same shirt and shorts.  She looks better.
 Me checking my email with a fever.
 This was a window of approx. 2 hours where I felt almost normal.  We went out to eat with the Marinics and had fresh caught fish caught by the Marinic's earlier in the day.  YUM!
 Waiting for fish!

This is a sad picture.  This was me with 102 fever on the beach...dead to the world.

There are not many pictures.  And a lot of them were taken by Blair.  From what I hear everyone else had a great time.

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