Friday, February 17, 2012

Alex, Jason, and Luke

For Christmas Sandy and I gave the boys tickets to see Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan (no T.  That's for you Alex.)  We found out Alex has always wanted to see Jason Aldean in concert.  Once we learned that, Sandy gave up his ticket so Alex could go and that's what Alex got for Christmas from us.  It felt like a Christmas gift to us too.  We had Alex all to ourselves for the weekend.  The weather was CRAPPY and put an end to all of the plans we made but we all hung out, saw a great show, watched some movies and really bad tv.  It was AWESOME!
 Awful photo but the only one of me and Alex.
 Le and Daniel Before the show.
 Luke Bryan

 Jason Aldean
 At 10:30pm Daniel was DONE.  He decided he would go to sleep.....Yeah. Right.

I took this picture.  Who does this guy look like to you? Come on....You know who it is...Can't guess?  Butthead...From Bevis and Butthead.
 My boys had plans on Saturday night.  Sandy and I had Alex all to ourselves.
Does this picture need words?

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