Sunday, June 12, 2011

Easter Ocean Reef 2011

We had another great Easter in OR.  Here are a few highlight photos. 
 OR had a "Brazilian Steak Night".  Here is a photo of Le's plate....
Here is a photo of Daniel's plate. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich...

Group photo.  Pretty snazzy group, right?

Sandy chartered a boat and captain and took the boys fishing.  I have NO IDEA WHY these photos are sideways but I'm tired of trying to get them straight!

 We spent a lot of time just chillaxing.
 This photo is out of order AND sideways!
 Len and Jaye celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary while we were visiting.  What a handsome couple!
 Grandpa made his world famous waffles!
 They are cute aren't they?
 Daniel, the captain of his kayak.

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