Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The White Family Comes to SC

Since Alex had his orientation at UT Chattanooga last week, The Whites decided to drive on over to Greenville for a visit.  Sandy and the boys were in Williamsburg with Scott and the girls.  I was worried they might be bored with just me but we had a very nice relaxing time.  As usual I was sad to see them go.

 I like this photo of Michael.  He was taking a power nap.

Jamie and Jeremy's Visit

We had the pleasure of having our nephew Jamie come down with his friend Jeremy.  We had a BLAST!  It was a long drive for them so we tried to make their trip worth their time.

 Jamie takes the plunge.
 Jeremy chillaxing.
 We wore Jeremy out.
 Dan enjoying a Monster out on the dock.
 Blair and Le enjoying the afternoon floating.
 The best part of the day at the lake.  Cool drink, hot sun and a float.

 Jamie knee boarding.

 Jeremy coming out of the lake. Why?  IDK

 Snacking in the afternoon.
 Getting ready to zip line.
 Our gear.
 Feeling pretty brave.

 Dan coming across the first line.

 One of several rope bridges.  I didn't care for these too much.
 We also went white water rafting but I had to have a waterproof camera.  I haven't developed those pictures yet.  Once I do I will post.
 We rented a pontoon boat and rode out to the other side of the lake.  We took a picnic and made a day of it.
 We forgot wine glasses.......................

 Colin and Jack.

 Colin dancing a jig.

 I don't know WHY these photos are sideways either!  You will just have to turn your computer on it's side.  I can't get them straight! 
 Our "Last Supper" at the lake before Jeremy and Jamie head home.  :(

 Turtle kitty eating supper.
Me and my dear, dear friend Ina.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Memorial Weekend at Vivi's House

We went to TN to attend Alex's high school graduation party.  Sandy was at the Lacrosse Finals so he didn't come with us.  We had so much fun we stayed an extra day.

 Alex making a run into town.
 Alex's graduation display for the party.

 Let them eat cake!

We decided to have a water balloon fight.  The pictures speak for themselves.

Aunt Vivi explaining the rules.

Ok, I just couldn't resist this picture.

Shadow being swept away.
Dan and Uncle Michael touring the Ponderosa.