Friday, March 25, 2011

I'll Be Checking In To Detox Tomorow!

We had our 4th Annual Reef Cup Girls Club.  SO MUCH FUN!!!  We have a couple of new members this year.  Len and Jaye were so kind to let me stay at their house.  Thanks guys.  I had a great time with the girls and the in-laws.
"The wreck of the Barbara Fitzgerald"

 Barbara deep sea diving.  You can't leave something like that laying around in a bar and expect it to just sit there!

 On the last night I took Roseanne, Len and Jaye to the 9th Hole as a token thank you for a great weekend.
 Everton got us out of our box this year.  He introduced us to VooDoo Buckets (seen above) and Reef 22's.  And of course there was the good ole Reef Cups.
 The founding members of The Reef Cup Girls Club.  Check out low tide.  It was the day of the "super moon" so it was really LOW.
 Nancy chilling in the lagoon.
 Art and Barbara (BFF) enjoying some quiet time without kids.
A night out at the Burgee Bar. Name and title:Art/In house EMT, Nancy/Co-Founder,Julie/Co-Founder,Leo/New Member-Event Coordinator, Barbara aka BFF/New Member-Poultry Accessorist, Paula/Co Founder.  (Not pictured: Yancy/Entertainment, Phil/Security)

 Art pondering the level of "crazy" at the table.
 BFF doing her own version of the chicken dance.
PDog chillin.
Leo and Nancy Chillaxing.

1 comment:

J.Marks said...

Great Pictures.......I wanna be there next year....Looked like sooooomuch fun... J.Marks