Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another great Easter in Ocean Reef

We had an ultra fun time in Ocean Reef (one again)! It was so nice to catch up with all of our sunny weather friends and spend time with Len and Jaye. Joe Cool's new sunglasses.
Kick off of the 4th Annual Reef Cup Girls Club. Paula, Everton, Nancy, and me.

Sandy getting some much needed rest.

Everton bringing our reef cups to us. Everton you rock!

Second day of Reef Cup Girls Club weekend. Anne became an official, inducted member this year.

Rainy day Lego robot building with Dan.

Look Mom! I can kayak standing up!


Stephan post tubing.

Grammy, Grandpa and Dan at the street fair.

Friends at the fair. Evan, Stephan, Dan, and Le.

Dan and his good friend Madeline. (Isn't she cute as a bugs ear?)

Dan getting some much needed rest.

Waiting for the golf cart parade. Dan, Le, Stephan, Evan, Sarah.

Dan and Aiden.

Serious negotiations with Easter egg hunt booty. Le, Aiden, Jamie, and Dan.


Sarah, AJ, Evan, Le, and Dan.

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