Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ultimate Food Fight

Ok. I'm going to try and explain this. Word cannot do it justice. The kids club at Ocean Reef had an ultimate food fight. They put 10 kids in a make shift boxing ring. There were eight rounds. Round one with ketchup/two pizza sauce/three mandarin oranges/four confectioners sugar/five chocolate syrup/six mustard/seven flour/eight whip cream. Who ever is the CLEANEST wins. Believe it or not Le won. What they didn't tell the kids was that the winner got a BUCKET of ALL of the stuff from each round dumped on them. We were laughing so hard. The kids are getting the rules of the game.


Fighting a good fight.

Hhmmmm...taste good.

I can't see anything!

Bucket dumped!

Cleaning up in the lagoon.

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